An Evaluation of the Efffectiveness of the Disarmament Programme in Nakapiripirit District
The study is about the investigation and evaluation of the challenges to the effective performance of the Disarmament Programme in Nakapiripirit District. A cross-sectional survey design has been used in the study to ensure the collection of information from a variety of respondents. The design, therefore, put into account all the steps Involved In the survey concerning an evaluation of the effectiveness of the disarmament programme in Nakapiripirit District. It was nevertheless; found out that whereas disarmament is considered important to the development of Karamoja, it is still complex 10 accomplish. This is because of inadequate security, inability to practically affect the planned measures, limited financial and other related incentives. Manpower gap, wanting quantity and quality levels of police, intelligence, LDUs, army and vigilantees. Above all, resistance from local people, poor infrastructure, bureaucratic delays and logistical challenges still persist and hence affect the effective enhancement of the entire disarmament programme in Nakapiripirit district. It is therefore recommended that there is need to provide adequate security to all communities, inflict punitive measures upon those that resist the policy, effectively support the house-to-house search policy for . illegal arms and prosecute and jail those involved in arms trafficking. It is also important to provide adequate financial and manpower resources, recruit and retrain the existing vigilantees. establish permanent barracks along boarders streamline bureaucracy. Above all, regular meetings/workshops, consultative public rallies with a spirit of dialogue and improvement of the existing infrastructure should be supported for purposes of making the disarmament programme more effective in Nakapiripirit district.