The effects of organizational climate on employee effectiveness in Iganga town council local Government Administration

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Islamic university in uganda


The purpose of this study was to examine and assess the effects of organisational climate on employee effectiveness in service delivery in local governments, using lganga Town Council Local Administration as a case study. The objectives of the study were to: (i) Identify the contribution of the current working climate to effectiveness of employees in Iganga Town Council Local Administration. (ii) Determine the effects of organisation climate in ITC in terms of organisational rewards, promotion policy, organisational commitment, support and others on employee effectiveness. (iii) Assess the challenges faced by ITC m its effort to enhance employee effectiveness. Data was collected using two different questionnaires; organisational climate questionnaire and employee effectiveness preference questionnaires and rated together on a five point Likert scale.



organizational climate, employee effectiveness


Mukoka, Y(2006), The effects of organizational climate on employee effectiveness in Iganga town council local Government Administration -Islamic university in uganda. Dissertation.