The management of co-curricular activities in Wakiso district selected secondary schools

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This study investigated, ‘The management of co-curricular activities in secondary schools in Wakiso district. The major objective of the study was to explore the management (i.e planning, financing and cordination) of co-curricular activities, its challenges and perception of stakeholders on co-curricular activities in selected secondary schools. Three (03) research questions guided the study; What are the various co-curricular activities in Secondary schools in Wakiso district? How do school leaders and teachers promote and manage co-curricular activities in Secondary schools in Wakiso district in relation to planning, co-ordinating and financing? What are the stakeholders’ perception on the challenges of managing co-curricular activities in Secondary schools in Wakiso district? The study used a cross sectional research design to obtain data from 270 students using a self administred questionnaire plus key informants using interview shedules. The data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) programmes in order to obtain descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data was analysed thematically and presented using direct quotation (verbatim), paraphrasing and narration. The study found that the most common co-curricular activities in secondary schools in Wakiso district were; football (29.6%), net ball (22.2%), music, dance and drama (26%), debating (5.9%), and athletics. The most common strategies through school leaders and teachers manage co-curricular activities among secondary schools in Wakiso district were through; scheduling time for cocurricular activities, preparing for co-curricular activities by teachers, employing games and sports masters in schools, budgeting for co-curricular activities in annual school budgets and rewarding best performers. The study concluded that the most common co-curricular activities in secondary schools in Wakiso district were; football, net ball, music, dance and drama, debating, and athletics; the most common strategies through school leaders and teachers manage co-curricular activities among secondary schools in Wakiso district were through; scheduling time for co-curricular activities, preparing for co-curricular activities by teachers, employing games and sports masters in schools, budgeting for co-curricular activities in annual school budgets and rewarding best performers in co-curricular activities. However, many schools are challenged with limited financial resources to fund co-curricular activities, lack of adequate equipment, facilities, infrastructure, lack of trained staff in the specialised co-curricular activities and negative attitudes among some students, staff towards co-curricular activities.The study recommended not only scheduling of co-curricular activities on school time tables but also implementing what is time tabled for co-curricular activities education to be meaningful or to be of value, it must be offered with regularity. The co-curricular activities and learning environment suggests that facilities should be available to children engaged in large-muscle activity involving climbing, jumping, skipping, kicking, throwing, leaping and catching, and those also engaged in mental co-curricular activities such as debating and recitation of the Holy Quran.



Secondary schools, Management of co-curricular activities


Kiwewa, I. (2016). The management of co-curricular activities in Wakiso district selected secondary schools.Thesis (Masters). Islamic University in Uganda.