Thesis and Dissertations
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Item An assessment of the impact of allied democratic force insurgencies on the Muslims of Kasese district from 1996 – 2006(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-01) Segujja., BadruThe objectives of this study were to assess the social economic impact of ADF insurgencies on the Muslims of Kasese District in areas of poverty, ill health, illiteracy, economic insecurity and social injustice. Basing on in depth study of social phenomena, a qualitative design was employed using investigative methods of in depth interviews, observations and group discussions. The findings indicate that the ADF insurgencies affected the Muslims welfare on various aspects at the social economic levels. Muslims were denied medical care and education opportunities because ADF abducted them and the government suspected them to be rebels. They faced a double tragedy due to that insecurity and they could not feel free with others in different communities. The findings also showed that the ADF insurgencies created economic problems to the Muslim community. They were economically disempowered by the closure of Muslim aid organizations, denial of employment, and the general feeling of suspended security coupled with unending insurgency led to general backward development and poverty of the Muslims in Kasese District.Item African Union mechanisms for Conflict Management: a Critical assessment with reference to Darfur conflict in Sudan(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-01) Owoyesigire, T.The general objective of the study was to undertake critical assessment of the effectiveness of the African Union mechanisms for conflict management with particular reference to Darfur crisis. The specific objectives of the study focused on the Darfur region with respect to identifying the AU conflict management mechanisms; examining the factors constraining/promoting the effectiveness of AU in conflict management and establishing plausible strategies for conflict management in Africa.Item The Role of Religion in the 2005 General Elections in Zanzibar(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-12) Talib, AbdallaThe study aimed to examine the positive role of the religious opinion-shapers in peace building initiatives, to examine religious factors and to establish strategies used in facilitating peaceful election. 1t was organized in live chapters whereby chapter one covered an introductory part, chapter two focused on literature review, chapter three presented methodology, chapter four concerned with data presentation and analysis while chapter five consisted conclusion and recommendations. The study conducted by using descriptive design. Purposeful sample technique used to collect data from sample size of 80 respondents from religious stakeholders and other electoral stakeholders who cooperated with religious opinion shapers. Information gathered by questionnaires and in-depth interviews was analyzed by coding, editing, classification and presented by rabies and figures. Religious opinion-shapers included religious leaders, Faith Based Organizations, activists, scholars, media and teachers who contributed in electoral peace making. The study found that the religious opinion shapers were motivated by religious factors and their perfect ethical standards in their operational approach to conflict management and transformationItem The challenge of religious appeal to conflict resolution in Northern Uganda(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-12) Maliamungu, UthumanThis research is concerned with the challenge of religious appeal to conflict resolution process in Northen uganda, The purpose of the study was to investigate [he notion of religion in conflict resolution with specific emphasis on: (i) how the LRA conflict is inclined to religion (ii) how religion has empowered individuals to denounce the conflict (iii) the role religious institutions have played in the resolution of the conflict. This study was guided by three research questions each relating to the above specific objective respectively. The study concentrated on the activities of ARLPI and lRCU from 1998- 2007. Five (5) districts of northern Uganda were selected for this study. thirty (30) respondents were chosen by use of systematic sampling technique which involved; Bishops, District Qadis', Imams. Pastors and FBO employees. Simple descriptive analysis wa used to analyze the qualitative data, while descriptive statistics in percentages was employed for quantitative analysis. Then nonparametric was used to design the questionnaires. The research findings indicated that the LRA conflict is specifically linked to the catholic faith. This is as a result of the strong historical attachments Acholi community has with the catholic faith, the influence of Acholi ethnicity and the myth that" Acholi are God' hosen people to rule Uganda" .The religious appeal has significantly contributed to peace in the region by altering the attitude of the disputants, this is done through community peace prayers. Preaching peace and rehabilitation of the defect ants. Religious organizations play big role of mediation, advocacy, lobbying for amnesty bills and sensitization .They also inform the international community about the plight of the region amidst the conflict. The research recommended the following:(i) religious leaders and institutions should continue to persuade both parties to end the violence (ii) FBOs should continue to formulate common positions to pressure both sides to adopt peaceful means to end the war (iii)the traditional methods of reconciliation and peace building must be encouraged among the communities in the region. Therefore religious appeal for peace should be given priority by the national and international stake holders till peace is completely attained.Item An assessment of the impact of the 1964 Zanzibar revolution on political party-formation in zanzibar; 1977-2005(Islamic University in Uganda, 2010) Nyange, MakameThis dissertation presents an assessment of the impact of the1964 Zanzibar Revolution on political party formation in Tanzania, 1977-2005 conducted in Urban District of Zanzibar, between December 2008 March 2009 the findings also showed that there were many political parties before the revolution but the moment the coup took place they were forced underground by the new revolutionary government. A part from that, the study found out that there has been a political crisis in Tanzania, because of the following: lack of political tolerance between two contending parties i.e. CCM and CUF, poor elections code and regulations practiced by ZEC, Union question especially in those additional Articles dealing with such as petroleum and status of Zanzibar in the context of Union. The form of Union government, unevenness in the distribution of the subsides among the political parties, political roles which CCM and its governments played in the implementation of Muafaka as well as tremendous economic hardship have also caused political crisis in Tanzania. The study further portrayed that the accord (Muafaka) entered into by the ruling party in Zanzibar -CCM and the strong opposition party-CUF, was exactly aimed at undermining long term conflicts which were rampant in Zanzibar polity prior to and after the revolution. But surprisingly CCM governments became reluctant against these negotiations. The study recommended that, there is a great need to resolve the Union issue together with the implementation of Muafaka. Otherwise the long term impact of the revolution might not be beneficial to the ordinary people of Tanzania.Item Gender Perspective to Land Conflicts in Mbale District:Analysis of Women's Rights to Land(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Nabugyere, JudithThe research was designed to assess the effects of Land Conflicts on the Socio-Economic Aspects of Women in Mbale District in the selected sub counties. The study was guided by both the general and specific objectives which were: (a) Examine the causes of land conflicts in Mbale District, (b) Establish effects of land conflicts on income levels of women in Mbale District, Cc) Identify the social effects of land conflicts on women and (d) Assess the role of Local Councils (LCs) in disposing land disputes in Mbale District. The researcher adopted a descriptive research design; it employed both the qualitative and quantitative methods and the main instruments used in the study were questionnaires, interview guide as well as the focused group discussion methods to collect primary data. Data was analyzed using SPSS computer software methods and reduced to frequencies and percentages presented in tables and figures. The study revealed that women are the greatly affected by the land conflicts/disputes as they have lost property, they have been denied access to land, their incomes have reduced and LCs have not helped the women which has led to unbearable effects to the women in Mbale district. The researcher recommended that government efforts need to be doubled in sensitizing communities about land rights and responsibilities, people encouraged to make wills, and LCs strengthened as dispute handling organ at the community level.Item An assessment on the causes of electoral conflicts and violence in Uganda(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Rwakishaija, DuncanIn Uganda, electoral conflicts continue to exist before, during and at the conclusion of National elections. In Kampala, various outcomes in form of court cases, processions, reruns, violent behaviors and hostilities are observed during the electoral period. The study used a qualitative longitudinal research design to gather information from 78 different sources and respondents on the causes of election violence from the EC, the Police force, Media. Faith Institutions and the voters. The study notes that the younger population is more interested in the political situation in the country implying the younger age groups are most involved in the politics of this country and could also be the most vulnerable to election conflict and violence.Item Social Economic Challenges of retired soldiers in Ntungamo District-Uganda(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Mugasi, SeziThis research investigated the social economic challenges of retired solders in Ntungamo District which would lead them into conflict like land wrangles. It was compiled in five chapters where the first chapter gave the background of the study, stated the problem,gave a scope,objectives and significance and ended up with framework concept of the study.Item An analysis of the challenges to the survival of coconut production industry in zanzibar (1964-2005) west urban region as a case study(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Khamis, JumaAn analysis of the challenges to the survival of coconut production industry in Zanzibar is intended to provide basic fundamental understanding on the aspect about coconut production and the challenges it faced from 1964 to 2005. Secondary and primary data have been collected in this study. Various methods have been used to collect data, among them are participatory group discussions, questionnaires and observation checklist.Item An Evaluation of the Efffectiveness of the Disarmament Programme in Nakapiripirit District(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Kachimete, ShabanThe study is about the investigation and evaluation of the challenges to the effective performance of the Disarmament Programme in Nakapiripirit District. A cross-sectional survey design has been used in the study to ensure the collection of information from a variety of respondents. The design, therefore, put into account all the steps Involved In the survey concerning an evaluation of the effectiveness of the disarmament programme in Nakapiripirit District. It was nevertheless; found out that whereas disarmament is considered important to the development of Karamoja, it is still complex 10 accomplish. This is because of inadequate security, inability to practically affect the planned measures, limited financial and other related incentives. Manpower gap, wanting quantity and quality levels of police, intelligence, LDUs, army and vigilantees. Above all, resistance from local people, poor infrastructure, bureaucratic delays and logistical challenges still persist and hence affect the effective enhancement of the entire disarmament programme in Nakapiripirit district. It is therefore recommended that there is need to provide adequate security to all communities, inflict punitive measures upon those that resist the policy, effectively support the house-to-house search policy for . illegal arms and prosecute and jail those involved in arms trafficking. It is also important to provide adequate financial and manpower resources, recruit and retrain the existing vigilantees. establish permanent barracks along boarders streamline bureaucracy. Above all, regular meetings/workshops, consultative public rallies with a spirit of dialogue and improvement of the existing infrastructure should be supported for purposes of making the disarmament programme more effective in Nakapiripirit district.Item Clan Warlords as a Challenge in Search of a Sustainable Solution to the Political Crisis in Mogadishu, Somalia(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-08) JAMA, MOHAMEDWith the collapse of Siad Barre's government in 1991, Somalia, and more specifically,Mogadishu has been characterized by civil wars. These wars are primarily clan based and, as aresult, clan ism has emerged as the single most important factor in determining the political andthe general wellbeing of the Somalis. Despite several attempts to find a lasting solution to the raging war in Somalia not much has been achieved. Specifically, not much is known about the' role that clan ism plays in fuelling the civil war and the resultant lawlessness. The main objective of this study was to investigate the nature of clanism and the challenges it possess towards the peace process in Mogadishu. The study was informed by the theory of conflict dynamics in divided society which postulates that inequality in political and economic power between different groups as well as the existence of incompatible ideological convictions generates conditions for polarization and violence. The study comprised of field work done in Mogadishu between March and September, 2009 where relevant data was gathered from different sources and adopted purposive sampling technique. Data collection tools included interview, questionnaire, as well as focus individual and group discussions were used in order to get relevant information from the field. The study findings have shown that clan ism contrives to be cancerous and will continue to be so. Inter- clan rivalry and warfare is indeed dictated by clan goals that have to do with political power, land, and the state of the economy as well as other social issues. At the heart of all this is, therefore, the need for Somalis to align themselves along their clans. The study argues that clanism, therefore, emerges as the only viable political option hence the escalation of the war in Mogadishu. The study further gives clear and basic information to the reader about the Somali conflict, which based on clan goals of dimensions. Its revealed that clanisrn has played a significant role in the Somali crisis and the current scenario the country is in. The study found out that the entire peace initiatives, which have been conducted, were based on 4.5 formulae and none has been successful.Item An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Kadhi Courts system in family Conflict Resolution in Zanzibar(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-08) Nahoda, JumaThis study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Kadhi court system in family conflict resolution in Zanzibar. It was conducted in Urban, West, and North "B" districts.The study was conducted by using descriptive design. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect data size of 120 respondents in the population of 523 from Kadhi and their supporting staff and officers, Ulamaa, Academicians, lawyers and local people. Information gathered through questionnaires and interview was presented and analyzed using tables. The findings showed that there was evidence of the effectiveness of Kadhi courts in handling inheritance matters and decreasing divorce rate cases, but less effectiveness in providing marriage permission for the women who were deprived the same by their parents. The study recommended widely dissemination to the entire Muslims on the importance of complying with Divine guidance.Item An evaluation of the role of the state in conflict resolution over Bwejuu and Ukongoroni villages in Zanzibar over the DUCHI/GANA forest in 2002-2003(Islamic University in Uganda, 2011) Haji, Abdulla Moh’dThe context of conflict is normally changed by the way the intervention occurs. When proper attention is not paid to the conflict, the act of intervention can escalate the conflict instead of de-escalation. In this study, the researcher undertook to evaluate the role of the state in resolving the conflict Bwejuu and Ukongoroni villages over Duchi/Gana forest (2002-2003) in Zanzibar, Tanzania and to suggest the appropriate solutions. Specifically, the study sought to analyze the causes of the conflict and to establish the role played by the state in solving the conflict and lastly to find out whether the strategies used in solving the conflict satisfied both sides involved. The study was carried out in both South and Central districts of Unguja Island in Bwejuu and Ukongoroni villages respectively where the conflict occurred. The methods used are: Interview, Questionnaire, A Field Observation and Documentary Analysis. Fourteen respondents were interviewed and fifty seven were given questionnaires. The major findings indicate that the conflict was caused by three main causes, namely land boundary, land for plantation and politics. Apart from the main ones, there were other minor causes of the conflict. By using various strategies such as allowing faith based organizations dealing with the resolution, deploying of F.F.U, government orders and others the state played a big role to calm down the conflict. The findings indicate that the strategies used in solving the conflict did not satisfy the majority involved in the conflict, this is because of the partisan, Bwejuu farmers were not given land title deeds, and compensation was only done for Ukongoroni inhabitants and other factors. Based on the findings, recommendations such as the committees dealing with conflict resolution should avoid biasness during the resolution of the conflict and government should provide land title deeds to those who own land have been made which the researcher feels shall be beneficial to policy makers in government, non-government and international organizations in taking measures to handle well such conflict once it occurs and facilitate people to live in harmony and tranquility.Item An assessment of the contribution of the northern Uganda social action fund l (NUSAF 1) to the development of women in the post Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) era in Gulu district, Uganda.(Islamic university in uganda, 2011-01) Nalukwago, JemeoThe Study investigated the contribution of NUSAF I to the development of women in Gulu District. The objectives of the Study were: The contribution of USAF 1 towards the Health status of women in Gulu District; How NUSAF 1 has helped women in Gulu District cope with the changed roles and finally, the contribution of NUSAF 1 to the improvement of the economic status of women in the same district. The study was guided by a cross sectional survey research design applying both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. Data was collected by use of a both open and closed ended questionnaire, in depth interview guides, field observation and focused group discussion guides. The respondents included: The Woman Member of Parliament Gulu District, the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Gulu District, the Medical Superintendent, Gulu Referral Hospital, Female Students (15 years and above), women market vendors and women at the grassroots. The Study revealed that NUSAF 1 had not contributed to the development of women in the district of Gulu.Item An investigation into the effect of the five-year civil war on the socio-economic livelihood of the people of Luwero district(Islamic university in uganda, 2011-01) Sentongo, BadruThe study was conducted in Luwero District to investigate into the impact of the Five Year Civil War on the Socio-economic Livelihood of the people of Luwero District. The methodology, which was used to carry out the study, was descriptive, where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to gather data from respondents regarding how the impact of the Civil War on Agricultural Production, the impact of the Civil War on infrastructural development and the impact of the Civil war on Economic Development affect their social economic livelihood. The result of the study indicate that the Five Year Civil War 1981 - 1986 impacted on the socio-economic livelihoods of the people of Luwero District by creating negative effect on agriculture, infrastructural development and socio- economic development which have resulted into undesirable consequences of poverty and hunger. There was a tremendous decrease of average percentage of agricultural production, average percentage of coffee production decreased by 24 %, and the average percentage of beans production decreased by 67 %. This implies that the concentration of the war in the District disorganized Agricultural processes, patterns and production. The decrease in the average percentage of infrastructural growth implies that the existence of the war in the District significantly impacted on the roads, hospitals, schools and health centres.Item Relationship between Ugandan Red Cross Society Activities And Peace Building in Nametsi Parish, Bukalasi Sub- County, Bududa District.(2015) Goronyo, Muhammad IsahThe study was conducted to examine the relationship between Ugandan Red Cross Society activities and peace building in Nametsi parish, Bududa district, Uganda. The study was guided by three research objectives; to examine the relationship between saving lives and peace building in Nametsi Parish, to examine the relationship between URCS supporting livelihood and peace building in Nametsi and to examine the relationship between promoting human dignity and peace building in Nametsi Parish. Three null hypotheses were derived directly from the foregone objective respectively. The study Correlation survey design was used to relate information gathered from different categories of respondents connected to URCS Activities with peace building in Nametsi Parish. A sample selection of 259 was drawn from population of 674 employing both census and sampling. Data obtained through Questionnaires and Interview was analyzed. The null hypotheses of the study were tested using Regression Analysis. The finding showed URCS that saving people’s lives would lead to the variation in the peace building activities by 8.6%. And respect of people dignity would experience the variations in peace building activities by 12.8%. These were firmly supported by qualitative views of the respondents. It is recommended that, URCS should intensified more resources on saving people’s lives and promoting human dignity in Nametsi Parish, Nametsi Parish community should stick to the advice given by the relief organizations which serves as early warning mechanism and more stakeholders should engaged in peace building activities, it was concluded that the activities of URCS should dictate the relationship between peace building as far shown by the predictors which is saving lives.Item Effect of Leadership Conflict in Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (Umsc) Administration On Selected Social Services of the Council in Mbale Municipality July 2015(2015) Nura, AhmadThe study was carried out to analyze the effect of leadership conflict in Uganda Muslim supreme council (UMSC) Administration on selected social services of the council in Mbale municipality. The study was guided by the following specific objectives. To find the effect of leadership conflict on the selected social services of the council at the District level, and to measure the effect of leadership conflict on selected social services of the council at grassroots. The study employed cross sectional survey design. The study population was (157) individuals and all the population were selected as the respondents. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used as instruments for data collection. The data was analyzed using regression analysis and Pearson product moment correlation to test the effect of leadership conflict in Uganda Muslim Supreme council administration on selected social services of the council in Mbale district. The null hypotheses were as follows. There is no statistical significant relationship between leadership conflict and the social services provision of the council at the district level, and there is no statistical significant relationship between leadership conflict and the selected social services provision of the council at the grassroots level. The study found out that of the two predictors of the effect of leadership conflict that is to say at grassroots level, district levels of conflicts; the grassroots level was the stand alone predictor of the variations on the social services of the council. The district level conflict would not predict change in the council social services provision. The study recommended that leaders at all levels of Muslim community should develop internal conflict resolution mechanism to iron out their problems rather than exposing their disputes to public, and re- emphasize the call for unity of Muslims in the whole country.Item Ethnicity and land based conflict: A Comparison of Kachumbala and Kamonkoli in Eastern Uganda(2015) Umaru, AhmedThe study focused on the ethnicity and land-based conflict: a comparison of Kachumbala and Kamonkoli Eastern Uganda. The purpose of this study was to compare how different ethnic groups share resources without conflict while in another area of diversity there is conflict over access and control of those resources particularly land, with specific emphasis on (i) the role of ethnicity in land distribution and utilization (ii) the impact of land distribution among diverse ethnic group coexistence (iii) the challenges faced in the distribution and utilization of land among diverse ethnic group.(iv) the mechanism used in maintaining peace. This study was guided by four research questions each relating to the above specific objective respectively. It was conduct using research design; population of study comprises ethnic leaders, elders, local council leaders, and community residents of the ethnic groups. The methodology used is Qualitative Approach. The respondents were selected using purposive sampling techniques and convenient sampling. Data collected through interview and focus group discussion. The study found that the role of ethnicity in determining land distribution had a positive impact in the border of Bagisu and Kachumbala because the diverse tribes lived in harmony and shared the limited natural resources amicably. On the other hand the role of ethnicity in determining land utilization and distribution played a negative part in heightening the conflict along tribal lines of hatred. Information from both Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and interviews brought out that Uganda’s history reveals that ethnicity has for long determined and dictated the patterns of land and border demarcation by the government. This could have precipitated the Bagwere –Bagisu conflict because the Bagisu have been very conscious of ensuring that their land was not robbed by the neighboring Bagwere while on the Kamonkoli border such a feeling has never been nurtured. The (FGD) found that there was no conflict related to ethnic settlements and land distribution and utilization in Kachumbala and Bugisu border. The inhabitants were in peaceful co-existing despite the tribal or ethnic diversity. While, In Kamonkoli - Bugisu the conflict was persistent because of the struggle over land utilization. The respondents interviewed gave views that showed that there was tension and hatred because the two neighboring tribes were wrangling over land. Therefore the conflict prevalence among the various tribes in Kamonkoli-Bugisu border area was orchestrated by land utilization and distribution. Thus lack of peace and harmony in the area.Item The Effect of Land conflict remedies on the Welfare of Women in Nakaloke Sub-County, Mbale District, Uganda(2015) Sirajo, AlhajiThe research study was conducted on the effect of land conflict, remedies on the welfare of women in Nakaloke sub county, Mbale District Uganda, the research was driven by the following objectives: to find the effect of political will as a land conflict remedy on the welfare of women in Nakaloke sub county, Mbale, to ascertain the effect of land legal instruments remedy on the welfare of women in Nakaloke sub-county, Mbale, to examine the effect of land legal procedural remedy on the welfare of women in Nakaloke sub county, Mbale. The study was based on the following hypotheses: H01: There is no significant relationship between political will as a land conflict remedy on the welfare of women in Nakaloke sub-county, H02: There is no significant relationship between legal instruments as a land conflict remedy cases and the welfare of women in Nakaloke sub-county, H03: There is no significant relationship between legal procedures as land conflict remedy and the welfare of women in Nakaloke sub-county. The researcher used a correlation design; the data was collected using questionnaires, schedules and the respondents were selected. The t value obtained between legal procedure and the welfare of women was .361 and therefore this revealed a significant relationship between legal procedure and the welfare of women and therefore we reject the null hypothesis. Also there was a significant relationship between legal instruments and the welfare of women revealed by a t value of 3.498 therefore we reject the null hypothesis. The study came up with the following recommendations: The government should restructure its political strategies to come up with a strategy which includes more women, also government ensure that a mechanism is put in place to bring such services closer to the local women, there should be massive sensitization of the women on their legal rights.Item Assessment of Islamic University in Uganda approaches to peace building among students.(2015) Bilyaminu, Umar MuhammedABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to analyses Assesses of Islamic University in Uganda approaches to Peace building among the Students. The general objective of the study was to explore the assessment of Islamic University in Uganda approaches to peace building among the students. The study is guided by following specific objectives To Examine how counseling service in the university promote peace building among students, To analyses how reprimand, dead year and discontinuation influence peace building among the students, To evaluate how intergroup relationship enhances peace building among the students, The research use descriptive research design the research adopted random sampling techniques the objectives of the study where tested using the research question which test the effect that The study found that majority of respondents felt that intergroup dialogue enhances Peace building among students. Similarly, the respondents were of the view that counseling services provided by lecturers in the University encourage intergroup relationship among Islamic University in Uganda students. The research recommended that there is need for Islamic University in Uganda to improve counseling services in the university in order for people from different background to participate in development of university, welfare and the nation in general. A clear strategy is also needed in area of disciplinary action such as reprimand, dead year, and discontinuation for effectiveness of peace building activities in Islamic University in Uganda. Inter group relation is also require between people of different languages, religion, so as to achieved peaceful co-existence.