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Item A Linguistic study of kiswahili proverbs with attempt at its classification(2002) Argungu, Dahiru M.Kiswahili is one of the African languages with very large numbers of proverbs. Its proverbs are among the earliest and most-widely studied by scholars. However, the researches on the genre have almost centred on its aesthetic, folkloric or socio-cultural values. In other words, scholars of Kiswahili proverbs have studied them mainly from the literature point of view. They have rarely analysed them from a linguistic perspective. In addition, collected published works on the genre have almost always been arranged by authors in a rather facile alphabetical format to the exclusion of all other forms of categorization or classification. Therefore, the aim of this study was to make a modest contribution to the Kiswahili proverb researches at two levels. The first was to analyse the proverbs mainly from a linguistic perspective, in place of the more familiar literary analysis. Secondly, we classified the genre based on its lexical items and semantic fields, instead of simply arranging them alphabetically. Taken together, the aim was to show the potential application of linguistics in Kiswaili proverb researchers. The methodology of this study was based on descriptive linguistics in which we discovered and described the structure of the Kiswahili proverb, in particular its grammatical properties. For this purpose, we examine a umber of published works on the genre. We concentrated our analysis on four areas of linguists. These were the grammatical, syntactic, semantic and stylistic levels in relation to our data. We then went ahead to use the data that accrued from the grammatical analysis to classify the proverbs along semantic fields. Some of the major findings of this research were that the individual words underlying Kiswahili proverbs sentence are mainly drawn from the basic vocabulary items of its everyday speech. This points out the fact that at the lexical level, the Kiswahili proverb often has a very simple structure and meaning. From a syntactic point of view too, the surface structure of Kiswahili proverbial utterance is simple and devoid of complex syntax. Almost every proverb in the genre is constructed with two immediate consistent (parallel) structures. We further discovered at the semantic level of our analysis that the Kiswahili proverb has complex meaning at its deep structure. The complexity in meaning is caused by the proverbs' metaphor. This proves that there is a literal meaning which lies at the proverbs surface structure and the non-literal (metaphorical) on which is conceived or concealed in the proverb’s deep structure. There is also variation in the types of metaphor in Kiswahili proverbial sentences. This means some proverbial constructions contain more complex metaphors than others. Apparently, the chief function of metaphor in the proverb is the creation of ambiguity, at its sentence’s deep structure. Unlike the ambiguity that is likely to be found in everyday Kiswahili, which may either be lexical or structural, the ambiguity in its proverbs stems from the metaphor in its sentence. For this reason, virtually every Kiswahili proverb contains some form of metaphorical ambiguity. It appears that the main function of metaphorical ambiguity in Kiswahili proverbs is to compensate for the often restricted syntax of its sentence, in addition to creating multiplicity of meaning or usage. Perhaps, one of the distinguishing linguistic characteristics of the Kiswahili genre that we found in the study is its high content of end-rhyming proverbs. This feature is largely attributed to the vowel-ending nature of its works which makes the feature easily achievable in the language as a whole.Item An Assesment of the Effects of Conflict on the Socio-Economic Livelihood of the Residents of Otuboi Subcounty, Kaberamaido District.(Islamic Universiy In Uganda, 2008) Opolot, BernardThe overall objective of this assessment is premised on analysing the effects of war on the socio-economic livelihood of the residents of Otuboi subcounty.It analyses the contributing factors to the socio economic status of people in this sub county and establishes the strengths, resilience and resettlement strategies of families affected by conflict .The assessment serves to highlight the impact of conflict on the traditional coping mechanisms that existed prior to the rebel incursion. (Supportive cultures, beliefs, and practices coupled with social support systems that were the fabric of this society) because the conflict led to massive displacement of local residents forcing them to crowd in internally displacement camps. The return and re-settlement of communities to their original land makes it imperative to know the impacts of the camp life (displacement) on the capacity of the family to function as the immediate unit of support to all family members. In an effort to find answers to the set objectives a descriptive study was under taken in order to capture people’s opinions, perceptions and attitudes, a number of data collection methods were used which included; Questionnaires, observation, focus groups discussions, interview and document review (secondary data). The key findings of this assessment generally reveal that conflict has remarkable effects on the social-economic wellbeing of residents in a community and solutions to the challenges of life difficulties were identified. It’s therefore recommended that the communities be helped by government and development partners to initiate income generating projects to help them acquire skills to engage in business ventures including profitable agricultural practices. Government financial allocations should target priority areas like education to cater for the future generation and there is need for the sub county authorities to enhance coordination especially among development partners so as to bring together development efforts in the different sectors.Item An Analysis of the Contribution of Zanzibar’s Free Port in Alleviating Poverty in Zanzibar(Islamic Universiy In Uganda, 2009) Khamis, ShehaThis study is on “An Analysis of the Contribution of Zanzibar Free Port in Alleviating Poverty in Zanzibar”. The researcher had employed analytical research design due to the nature of the study that concern on the matter relating to the data and events in Zanzibar Free Port. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques have been used. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. The study found out that, there are a number of activities that are carried out at the Zanzibar Free Port. However they are not enough to keep the Zanzibar Free Port busy compared to other Free Ports. No progress of the activities, no sufficient advertisement of Zanzibar Free Port and their activities, no fund sent to Zanzibar Free Port for its expansion and development from the government, no goal to be achieved of offering employment to the people. The household income was not enough for the workers; Zanzibar Free Port has low contribution in the employment of the people and there was a big challenge of taxes and not taxes barriers from TRA. The study recommends that the government should allocate fund for the development and expansion of Zanzibar Free Port, the management of ZIPA and other authorities should find the ways of increasing the number of activities in Zanzibar Free Port, to mobilize investors to invest in Zanzibar Free Port, negotiate with TRA to be one of the advertisers of Zanzibar Free Port, they should list it in the websites among the Free Ports in the world, make follow up of the means and ways of employment of the companies, all employees should be registered in the security fund and workers get their rights. Furthermore, the management of companies should increase the income of their workers, giving them chance to participate in the business in terms of partnership and consignments, and pay them the commission after sales. Also the researcher recommended conducting another research in the tourism sector on the employment of the people then to compare the contribution of these two fields in creating the employment opportunities.Item An assessment of the impact of allied democratic force insurgencies on the Muslims of Kasese district from 1996 – 2006(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-01) Segujja., BadruThe objectives of this study were to assess the social economic impact of ADF insurgencies on the Muslims of Kasese District in areas of poverty, ill health, illiteracy, economic insecurity and social injustice. Basing on in depth study of social phenomena, a qualitative design was employed using investigative methods of in depth interviews, observations and group discussions. The findings indicate that the ADF insurgencies affected the Muslims welfare on various aspects at the social economic levels. Muslims were denied medical care and education opportunities because ADF abducted them and the government suspected them to be rebels. They faced a double tragedy due to that insecurity and they could not feel free with others in different communities. The findings also showed that the ADF insurgencies created economic problems to the Muslim community. They were economically disempowered by the closure of Muslim aid organizations, denial of employment, and the general feeling of suspended security coupled with unending insurgency led to general backward development and poverty of the Muslims in Kasese District.Item The role of catholic relief services in Conflict Management in Northern Uganda(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-01) Kamya, DanThe study was carried out to investigate on the role of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in conflict management in Uganda: A case of Northern Uganda. The survey was carried out to identify the roles played by CRS in conflict management in Northern Uganda, to evaluate the working relationships between CRS and other actors in their bid to managing conflicts in northern Uganda and find out the challenges faced by CRS in their efforts to manage conflicts in northern Uganda. To achieve the above objective, the researcher used different methods to collect reliable data from the field. Interview, Questionnaire, Focused group discussion as well as document review were key methods used in data collection. Purposive and random sampling was used to select respondents from the study population. Data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages.Item African Union mechanisms for Conflict Management: a Critical assessment with reference to Darfur conflict in Sudan(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-01) Owoyesigire, T.The general objective of the study was to undertake critical assessment of the effectiveness of the African Union mechanisms for conflict management with particular reference to Darfur crisis. The specific objectives of the study focused on the Darfur region with respect to identifying the AU conflict management mechanisms; examining the factors constraining/promoting the effectiveness of AU in conflict management and establishing plausible strategies for conflict management in Africa.Item The Role of Religion in the 2005 General Elections in Zanzibar(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-12) Talib, AbdallaThe study aimed to examine the positive role of the religious opinion-shapers in peace building initiatives, to examine religious factors and to establish strategies used in facilitating peaceful election. 1t was organized in live chapters whereby chapter one covered an introductory part, chapter two focused on literature review, chapter three presented methodology, chapter four concerned with data presentation and analysis while chapter five consisted conclusion and recommendations. The study conducted by using descriptive design. Purposeful sample technique used to collect data from sample size of 80 respondents from religious stakeholders and other electoral stakeholders who cooperated with religious opinion shapers. Information gathered by questionnaires and in-depth interviews was analyzed by coding, editing, classification and presented by rabies and figures. Religious opinion-shapers included religious leaders, Faith Based Organizations, activists, scholars, media and teachers who contributed in electoral peace making. The study found that the religious opinion shapers were motivated by religious factors and their perfect ethical standards in their operational approach to conflict management and transformationItem An assessment of the effectiveness of Zanzibar government strategies in conflict prevention in chwaka and marumbi villages in zanzibar, 1994 -1996(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-12) Mohammad, KhamisThe context of conflict is normally changed by the way or condition that the intervention occurred. When proper attention is not paid to the conflict, the act of intervention can escalate the conflict instead of de-escalation. In this study, the researcher under-took to investigate how effective the strategies used by the government of Zanzibar in preventing the conflict between people of Chwaka and Marumbi villages were, and to suggest the appropriate solutions. Specifically, the study sought to find out the extent of effectiveness of resolution strategies employed by the government of Zanzibar and to establish the factors that led to the persistence of the conflict despite the intervention by the govemment, and lastly to suggest strategies of conflict resolution which consider the interests of both sides of conflict. The area of study was Unguja Central District in the villages of Chwaka and Marumbi in Zanzibar (conflictants). The major methods used are: In-depth interviews, focus group discussions, document analysis and participant observation. Seventy-six respondents were interviewed and five focused group discussions held. The major findings indicate that the government of Zanzibar delayed to intervene the conflict when it started, because of the following reasons.Item The challenge of religious appeal to conflict resolution in Northern Uganda(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-12) Maliamungu, UthumanThis research is concerned with the challenge of religious appeal to conflict resolution process in Northen uganda, The purpose of the study was to investigate [he notion of religion in conflict resolution with specific emphasis on: (i) how the LRA conflict is inclined to religion (ii) how religion has empowered individuals to denounce the conflict (iii) the role religious institutions have played in the resolution of the conflict. This study was guided by three research questions each relating to the above specific objective respectively. The study concentrated on the activities of ARLPI and lRCU from 1998- 2007. Five (5) districts of northern Uganda were selected for this study. thirty (30) respondents were chosen by use of systematic sampling technique which involved; Bishops, District Qadis', Imams. Pastors and FBO employees. Simple descriptive analysis wa used to analyze the qualitative data, while descriptive statistics in percentages was employed for quantitative analysis. Then nonparametric was used to design the questionnaires. The research findings indicated that the LRA conflict is specifically linked to the catholic faith. This is as a result of the strong historical attachments Acholi community has with the catholic faith, the influence of Acholi ethnicity and the myth that" Acholi are God' hosen people to rule Uganda" .The religious appeal has significantly contributed to peace in the region by altering the attitude of the disputants, this is done through community peace prayers. Preaching peace and rehabilitation of the defect ants. Religious organizations play big role of mediation, advocacy, lobbying for amnesty bills and sensitization .They also inform the international community about the plight of the region amidst the conflict. The research recommended the following:(i) religious leaders and institutions should continue to persuade both parties to end the violence (ii) FBOs should continue to formulate common positions to pressure both sides to adopt peaceful means to end the war (iii)the traditional methods of reconciliation and peace building must be encouraged among the communities in the region. Therefore religious appeal for peace should be given priority by the national and international stake holders till peace is completely attained.Item Administrative Style And Staff Morale In Private Institutions In Malaysia(Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 2010) Kakuba, Sultan Juma; Saidi, Mpawenimana AbdullahGlobally, administrative styles in institutions is concerned with the way and manners in which the authority works with subordinate staff for the purposes of achieving desired stated goals and objectives set by the institutions. However, Management, leadership/administration are often used synonymously according to Coleman despite the fact that they mean different things.1 He states that management has to do with finance, structure, staffing, mission and effectiveness. On the hand, he looks at leadership administration as taking an institution/organization where it is now to where it has to be in the future leadership/ administration is providing a direction that drives the institution in a specific direction.2 But Goldbach looks at administration as an art and science. He explains that leadership is an art because it is applied to real life with skills. And it is a science because it can be learned.3 According to Krietner, he looks at leadership as a process of social influence, which a leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinate staff in an attempt to achieve the goals of an institution. It is the art to inspire others to willingly execute institutional activities. In this study administration is used interchangeably with management to mean the capacity to direct and coordinate human and material resources to attain specified objectives. Important to note is that it is administration of human resources that seem to be the major focus of administration. This is because it is persons that coordinates and manages resources for the purposes of the intended mission and goals of institution. In the light of this, administration and management analysts usually look on the problems of human resources administration.Item Multiparty politics dynamics in Uganda(African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 2010) Kakuba, Sultan JumaIn liberal democracy, it is obvious political parties play a critical role in deepening democratic process. Besides, providing veritable avenue for popular participation, they are celebrated mechanism for political mobilization, guiding policy formulation, implementation and much more significant guards against dictatorship. In Uganda, there is evidence that political parties have not been adequately institutionalized. This can be seen in a manner in which they have process in the country. The efforts of political parties to woo supporters in the hope of making a mark at various levels of government, overheats the polity. This been attempting to foster democratic governance in the past and how their current revival to practice multiparty politics fails to strengthen democratic paper advances the position of political parties in furthering democracy in Uganda. It suggests that the current activities of political parties are ill equipped in broadening democratic dividends.Item Crisis in Somalia in the Context of Brecher’s Definition of International Crisis(International Journal of Politics and Good Governance, 2010) Kakuba, Sultan JumaThe crisis in Somalia is one of the worst crises that have ever happened on both local and international scene. It is characterised by violence, which keeps on escalating between Transitional Federal Government and the Islamic Courts union. This situation has made Somalia a dangerous country to the extent that since 1991 it has been without a central government. This persistent crisis in Somalia has caused Somalia into intractable conflicts both locally and internationally. In the light of this, there has been international intervention and withdrawal of external actors due to complexity of the crisis. In this context this crisis has been perceived differently. This paper attempts to explain the Somali crisis in the context of Michael Brecher’s definition of international crisis. The focus is on the key drivers for the persistent breakdown of Somali society that have kept the crisis alive. The paper concludes that Somalia has been plunged into continuous spiralling violence resulting into persistent crisis and conflicts both internally and externally due to internal and external political dynamics of the country as portrayed in Brecher’s ideas on the landscapes of international crisis.Item An assessment of the effect of demobilization on the socio-economic aspects of female updf veterans in Wakiso district(2010) Kimuli, GloriaThe demobilization program in Uganda affected 1,389 female veterans out of a total of 36,358 veterans that were honorably discharged from the NRA/UPDF in the period 1992-1995. The research set out to assess the effect of demobilization on the socio-economic aspects of female veterans in Wakiso district purposively selected because of its proximity to the city coupled with its rural based location. The study’s objectives included: establishment of whether there has been any specific government programmes on female veterans; to examine the relationship between demobilization and socio-economic aspects of female veterans, and to analyze how the civilian veterans have been accepted in civilian life by the community. The research focused on female veterans because little information is known about female veterans in the country. It covered 160 female veterans plus ten key informants making the total of 170 respondents. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used and findings from the study indicated that there has never been any specific government program targeting female veterans alone and few of them benefited from the general training by UVAB, the government body handling veterans’ matters. It was also found out that female veterans have made themselves invisible given their low turn up for the general reintegration programmes although financial limitations on part of UVAB were cited as the major cause of failure to specifically them. The socio-economic aspects of the sample represent low literacy levels, a high percentage of single parents, and with a high death rate most of it from HIV and related illnesses. The economic activities of these female veterans were found to be poor with the majority engaged in small size businesses whose profitability was just adequate for the female veterans to exist, and the veterans have been unfavorably treated by the civilian community who marginalize them in real terms. The female veterans view themselves as worse off than the civilians and see this as grossly unfair considering that they liberated the country. In general the research found that the female veterans were a disgruntled group that advocate for a number of interventions to reverse their plight and have no kind words for government and feel community betrayal. Similar research should be conducted in war affected areas; the coping mechanisms of wives of veterans needs to be undertaken; and a critical analysis of the demobilization and reintegration exercise in general needs to be done.Item An Assessment of the Intervention of the Trade Liberalization Strategy in Promoting Private Sector-Led Growth in Bugisu Sub-Region(Islamic Universiy In Uganda, 2010) Mandu, SamuelThe study was about an assessment of the intervention of the trade liberalization strategy in promoting private sector led growth in Bugisu sub region. The study objectives were; 1). To examine the economic management systems employed by the business entrepreneurs in the Bugisu sub region. ii) To assess the level of private sector led growth in the sub region and iii) To assess the impact of the intervention of the trade liberalization strategy to people’s welfare in the sub region. This study used a cross-sectional research design in order to collect a substantial amount of data on the intervention of trade liberalization strategy in promoting private sector led growth in the Bugisu sub region. The findings indicated that promoting private sector led growth through the intervention of the trade liberalization strategy in Bugisu sub region is rather still challenging. This is because of inadequate resources, inadequate trainings, complex procedures characterized by bureaucratic impediments and inability to adopt modern technology. Equally important is the poor capital levels among local entrepreneurs, wanting management skills and information gap about the existing markets. Above all high dependence rate, poor marketing strategies, poor policy implementation and limited participatory planning were noted as serious challenges and thus the need for redress. Based on the findings, it is therefore recommended that there is need to provide adequate resources for facilitation of entrepreneurial activities, regular training, tax holidays and reduced interest rates. It is also important to provide adequate information to entrepreneurs, minimize bureaucracy, boost the existing entrepreneurial capital levels and enhance the use of modern technology. There is also need to sensitize entrepreneurs about marketing strategies, streamline policy implementation and cultivate a spirit of family planning among local entrepreneurs to minimize dependency. This may go a long way in streamlining the role of community mobilization in as may go a long way in promoting private sector led growth through the trade liberalization strategy in Bugisu sub region.Item An assessment of the impact of the 1964 Zanzibar revolution on political party-formation in zanzibar; 1977-2005(Islamic University in Uganda, 2010) Nyange, MakameThis dissertation presents an assessment of the impact of the1964 Zanzibar Revolution on political party formation in Tanzania, 1977-2005 conducted in Urban District of Zanzibar, between December 2008 March 2009 the findings also showed that there were many political parties before the revolution but the moment the coup took place they were forced underground by the new revolutionary government. A part from that, the study found out that there has been a political crisis in Tanzania, because of the following: lack of political tolerance between two contending parties i.e. CCM and CUF, poor elections code and regulations practiced by ZEC, Union question especially in those additional Articles dealing with such as petroleum and status of Zanzibar in the context of Union. The form of Union government, unevenness in the distribution of the subsides among the political parties, political roles which CCM and its governments played in the implementation of Muafaka as well as tremendous economic hardship have also caused political crisis in Tanzania. The study further portrayed that the accord (Muafaka) entered into by the ruling party in Zanzibar -CCM and the strong opposition party-CUF, was exactly aimed at undermining long term conflicts which were rampant in Zanzibar polity prior to and after the revolution. But surprisingly CCM governments became reluctant against these negotiations. The study recommended that, there is a great need to resolve the Union issue together with the implementation of Muafaka. Otherwise the long term impact of the revolution might not be beneficial to the ordinary people of Tanzania.Item Gender Perspective to Land Conflicts in Mbale District:Analysis of Women's Rights to Land(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Nabugyere, JudithThe research was designed to assess the effects of Land Conflicts on the Socio-Economic Aspects of Women in Mbale District in the selected sub counties. The study was guided by both the general and specific objectives which were: (a) Examine the causes of land conflicts in Mbale District, (b) Establish effects of land conflicts on income levels of women in Mbale District, Cc) Identify the social effects of land conflicts on women and (d) Assess the role of Local Councils (LCs) in disposing land disputes in Mbale District. The researcher adopted a descriptive research design; it employed both the qualitative and quantitative methods and the main instruments used in the study were questionnaires, interview guide as well as the focused group discussion methods to collect primary data. Data was analyzed using SPSS computer software methods and reduced to frequencies and percentages presented in tables and figures. The study revealed that women are the greatly affected by the land conflicts/disputes as they have lost property, they have been denied access to land, their incomes have reduced and LCs have not helped the women which has led to unbearable effects to the women in Mbale district. The researcher recommended that government efforts need to be doubled in sensitizing communities about land rights and responsibilities, people encouraged to make wills, and LCs strengthened as dispute handling organ at the community level.Item An assessment on the causes of electoral conflicts and violence in Uganda(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Rwakishaija, DuncanIn Uganda, electoral conflicts continue to exist before, during and at the conclusion of National elections. In Kampala, various outcomes in form of court cases, processions, reruns, violent behaviors and hostilities are observed during the electoral period. The study used a qualitative longitudinal research design to gather information from 78 different sources and respondents on the causes of election violence from the EC, the Police force, Media. Faith Institutions and the voters. The study notes that the younger population is more interested in the political situation in the country implying the younger age groups are most involved in the politics of this country and could also be the most vulnerable to election conflict and violence.Item Social Economic Challenges of retired soldiers in Ntungamo District-Uganda(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Mugasi, SeziThis research investigated the social economic challenges of retired solders in Ntungamo District which would lead them into conflict like land wrangles. It was compiled in five chapters where the first chapter gave the background of the study, stated the problem,gave a scope,objectives and significance and ended up with framework concept of the study.Item An analysis of the challenges to the survival of coconut production industry in zanzibar (1964-2005) west urban region as a case study(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Khamis, JumaAn analysis of the challenges to the survival of coconut production industry in Zanzibar is intended to provide basic fundamental understanding on the aspect about coconut production and the challenges it faced from 1964 to 2005. Secondary and primary data have been collected in this study. Various methods have been used to collect data, among them are participatory group discussions, questionnaires and observation checklist.Item An Evaluation of the Efffectiveness of the Disarmament Programme in Nakapiripirit District(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01) Kachimete, ShabanThe study is about the investigation and evaluation of the challenges to the effective performance of the Disarmament Programme in Nakapiripirit District. A cross-sectional survey design has been used in the study to ensure the collection of information from a variety of respondents. The design, therefore, put into account all the steps Involved In the survey concerning an evaluation of the effectiveness of the disarmament programme in Nakapiripirit District. It was nevertheless; found out that whereas disarmament is considered important to the development of Karamoja, it is still complex 10 accomplish. This is because of inadequate security, inability to practically affect the planned measures, limited financial and other related incentives. Manpower gap, wanting quantity and quality levels of police, intelligence, LDUs, army and vigilantees. Above all, resistance from local people, poor infrastructure, bureaucratic delays and logistical challenges still persist and hence affect the effective enhancement of the entire disarmament programme in Nakapiripirit district. It is therefore recommended that there is need to provide adequate security to all communities, inflict punitive measures upon those that resist the policy, effectively support the house-to-house search policy for . illegal arms and prosecute and jail those involved in arms trafficking. It is also important to provide adequate financial and manpower resources, recruit and retrain the existing vigilantees. establish permanent barracks along boarders streamline bureaucracy. Above all, regular meetings/workshops, consultative public rallies with a spirit of dialogue and improvement of the existing infrastructure should be supported for purposes of making the disarmament programme more effective in Nakapiripirit district.
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