Matovu, Musa2019-01-032019-01-032018Matovu, M (2018) An Analysis of Quality Assurance Key Performance Indicators in Research in Ugandan Universities.International Journal of Instruction. Vol.12 (1) pp.1567-15841694-609X a university, research is used to generate new knowledge and also increases the visibility of the university. The quality of research undertaken by the university is important in defining the nature of the university and its ranking nationally, regionally, and internationally. In universities, for research to be vibrant and quality-oriented, it should be based on achievable Quality Assurance Key Performance Indicators (QA_KPIs). This paper analyses QA_KPIs used to guide research at the Islamic University in Uganda. The objectives of this study included (a) to understand the roles of QA_KPIs in research at Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU), (b) to examine the differences in staff perceptions on QA_KPIs in research at Islamic University in Uganda, and (c) to examine the relationship between QA_KPIs’ variables used in maintaining quality in research at the Islamic University in Uganda. Results of descriptive statistics highlight that 154 majority of staff agreed that QA_KPIs have a role to play in ensuring the quality of research at the Islamic University in Uganda. It was observed that there was a statistically mean difference in staff perceptions as regards QA_KPIs in the academic qualifications. It was also observed that there are relationships between QA_KPI variables on the quality of research undertaken at Islamic University in Uganda.enQuality AssuranceKey Performance IndicatorsResearchUgandan UniversitiesUgandaAn Analysis of Quality Assurance Key Performance Indicators in Research in Ugandan UniversitiesArticle