Ruyonga, George2017-04-052017-04-052007Ruyonga, George. R (2007) The perceptions of teachers on the effects of head teachers’ management practices on their motivation in secondary schools in Kabarole District – Uganda. Thesis (Masters). Islamic University in Uganda. This study focused on perceptions of teachers on the effect of head teachers’ management practices on their motivation in secondary schools in Kabarole district. The management practices considered are communication, delegation of responsibility, decision-making and staff appraisal and their effect on teachers’ motivation. It was conducted in both government aided and private secondary schools in the district, using random sampling technique using a sample of Head teachers and teachers. The research was carried out using descriptive survey research design. 25 secondary schools were selected to participate in the study. The study reflected the perceptions views, opinions and attitudes of 50 respondents comprising of 20 head teachers and 30 teachers purposively selected from the 25 secondary schools. Administering of questionnaires and interview guides, were used to collect the relevant data. The data collected using these instruments were subjected to content analysis. The Chi-square (X2) test of goodness of fit and percentage distribution techniques were applied to analyze the data for all the research hypotheses. The major findings indicate that head teachers’ management practices in terms of communication, delegation, decision making and staff appraisal have an effect on teacher’s motivation in their respective schools. It is recommended that delegation should be accompanied by giving full powers to the teachers so as to execute their duties fully. When teachers are involved in decision making, their views, ideas and suggestions should be implemented while staff appraisal should be done every term, the appraise should always be given feedback and they should be involved in setting goals and tasks for their appraisal whenever they are appraised.enEducationThe perceptions of teachers on the effects of head teachers’ management practices on their motivation in secondary schools in Kabarole District – UgandaThesis