Edirisa, Kasujja2018-07-132018-07-132008Kasujja Edirisa,(2008).An Analysis Of The Effects Of Financial Services Marketing On The Performance Of Mukono Micro Finance Unionhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12309/528The Overall objective of the study was to analyse the effect of financial services marketing on the performance of confirm Mukono District). The study was carried out rising survey design and Random sampling was also used to avoid bias by choosing a representative sample. On data analysis, the study revealed that various products have been marketed. These include:- savings accounts, current accounts fixed-deposit and school fees accounts. The interest rates is still high making a bigger fraction of the would be customers to shy away. Further study has been recommended in areas of expanding financial services to include insurance accounts, old age accounts and above all to improve on marketing procedures.enFinancial ServicesMarketingPerformanceMicro Finance UnionAn Analysis of The Effects of Financial Services Marketing on the Performance of Mukono Micro Finance UnionThesis