Nura, Abdullahi2017-06-302017-06-302015Nura, A. (2015) Student’s Perception on the use of Technology in Learning Outcome in Secondary Schools in Mbale Municipality Uganda June 2015. Thesis (Masters). Islamic University in Uganda. study explores the students’ perceptions on the use of technology in learning outcome in some secondary schools in Mbale municipality in Uganda. The study aimed at establishing the findings on whether technology is used effectively based on technology modes of delivery, technology based teaching and technology support services in secondary schools in Mbale municipality in Uganda. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used in the study where mix method was used to triangulate data from the two data sources. The population of the study involved all students of secondary school in Mbale municipality in Uganda. Stratified sampling and purposive sampling were used respectively as sampling techniques. The sample of 364 respondents of students was used in four selected secondary schools in Mbale municipality of Uganda. Data was collected using questionnaire and focus group discussion. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Data from the quantitative sources was coded and analyzed. Data from the focus group discussion was transcribed. The findings of the study revealed that technology is used among teachers and students in term of their mode of delivery, technology based teaching and technology support services. It was also found that technology is used effectively on the students learning process in secondary schools, based on results output. But despite the presence of technology in secondary schools, more components of technology that comprise computer, internet network, projectors and mobile phones are recommended to be integrated in the process of teaching and learning in secondary schools in Uganda, more so in Mbale.enStudent’s PerceptionTechnologyLearningSecondary schoolsUgandaStudent’s Perception on the use of Technology in Learning Outcome in Secondary Schools in Mbale Municipality Uganda June 2015.Thesis