Ahmed, Abdikarim2018-08-252018-08-252016Ahmed, A. (2016) Relationship between School governance and Primary Education Service Delivery in UPE Schools in Kampala Central Division. Islamic Universiy In Uganda. Dissertation.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12309/586RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SCHOOLGOVERNANCE AND PRIMARY EDUCATION SERVICE DELIVERY IN UPE SCHOOLS IN KAMPALA CENTRAL DIVISION ABDIGHANI ABDIKARIM AHMED, October, 2016 ABSTRACT This study explored the relationship between governance principles and education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division. The objectives of the study were to; examine the relationship between accountability and education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division, examine the relationship between transparency and education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division and examine the relationship between participation and education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division. The study employed a co relational research design to establish how each governance principle relates with education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division. A sample of 181 respondents was selected from study population of 335 persons. These were selected using census and stratified sampling techniques. Data was collected using self administered questionnaires and face to face interviews. Pearson’s correlations were used to analyze the relationship between dependent and independent variables of the study. Multiple regression analysis was also used to determine the most significant predictor variable among governance principles. Research findings based on Pearson’s correlations analysis revealed that all the three governance principles had a significant relationship with education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division. On the other hand, multiple regression analysis indicated that community participation is the most significant predictor of education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division. Its relationship with education service delivery is up to 0.740; its effect on the sample is 0.548 while its effect on the population is 0.545. To improve education service delivery in UPE schools in Kampala Central division, the study recommends that efforts should be geared towards strengthening the capacity of the existing school management committees and PTA so that such committees can reprimand or even dismiss all those head teachers that fail to account for government funds. Moreover, apart from government auditors, other education actors like NGOs, regulatory institutions and private professional auditing firms also need to be allowed to carry out regular performance audits in schools since many government agents are known to be corrupt and fraudulent. The researcher also suggests that annuals school performance reports need to be availed to the public so that they are informed about what happens in their schools.enSchool governancePrimary EducationService DeliveryRelationship between School governance and Primary Education Service Delivery in UPE Schools in Kampala Central DivisionThesis