Awotunde, O.SAdewoye, S.OHawumba, J.Alinaitwe, Lordrick2018-02-162018-02-162017Awotunde, O.S ... et al (2017) Histopathological and Organ-Body Weight Ratio Alterations Induced by Oral Administration of AQUEOUS Extract of Terminaliaschmiperiana Root in Some Selected Organs in Male WISTAR Rats. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 4 (2).2319-83462350-03282319-8354 toxic potential of the crude aqueous extract was investigated by evaluating the body-weight ratioand histologic changes of the liver, kidney and testes after oral administration of the extractto rats at various doses (1000, 2000, 3000mg/kg) daily for21 days. On the first, seventh and twenty first day,the rats werehumanely sacrificed under chloroform anesthesiaand the selected organs excised. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) in the kidney-body weight ratio when compared with the control group, while the administration at all the doses resulted in significant (P<0.05) reduction in liver-body weight ratio.An increase in testes-body weight ratio was also observed at the dose of 2000mg/kg. Histopathologicexamination of the liver, kidney and testes after 21 days of administration of the extract revealed mild changes in the architecture of the tissues.The male wistar rats did not show any treatment-related defects nor overt clinical signs of toxicity neither did the extract produce any sedative effect.enTerminalia schimperianaOrgan-body weight ratioHistopathologySedative ToxicityHistopathological and Organ-Body Weight Ratio Alterations Induced by Oral Administration of AQUEOUS Extract of Terminaliaschmiperiana Root in Some Selected Organs in Male WISTAR RatsArticle