Kamya, Dan2018-12-182018-12-182009-01Kamya,D(2009),The role of catholic relief services in Conflict Management in Northern Uganda- Islamic university in uganda. Dissertation.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12309/627The study was carried out to investigate on the role of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in conflict management in Uganda: A case of Northern Uganda. The survey was carried out to identify the roles played by CRS in conflict management in Northern Uganda, to evaluate the working relationships between CRS and other actors in their bid to managing conflicts in northern Uganda and find out the challenges faced by CRS in their efforts to manage conflicts in northern Uganda. To achieve the above objective, the researcher used different methods to collect reliable data from the field. Interview, Questionnaire, Focused group discussion as well as document review were key methods used in data collection. Purposive and random sampling was used to select respondents from the study population. Data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages.encatholic relief servicesConflict ManagementThe role of catholic relief services in Conflict Management in Northern UgandaThesis