Gyagenda,AbdulSwamad2025-01-162025-01-162022-052791-2310 Print2791-2329 Online study was about the relationship between Muslim business occupation and zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between Muslim business occupation and zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda. And to examine the effect of Muslim business occupation on zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda.The study was about the relationship between Muslim business occupation and zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between Muslim business occupation and zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda. And to examine the effect of Muslim business occupation on zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda. The study was driven by two null hypotheses that There was no statistically significant relationship between business occupation and zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda. And that There was no statistically significant effect of Muslim business occupation and zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda. The study found out that business occupation had a statistically significant relationship with zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, Uganda where r=.385, P<.05, N=314.And that Muslim business occupation has a statistically significant effect on zakāt compliance at p<0.5 and r= .385. Recommendations were made that mass sensitizations be made both in villages and towns to awaken the Muslim awareness about zakāt in general, zakāt administrators should create a good working environment with the Muslims, construction of zakāt collection centers. Educating Muslims about business inventory and empowering communities with entrepreneurial skills to widen the zakāt base.enZakatNisabComplianceMEDICINE::Social medicine::Public health medicine research areas::Occupational physiologyThe relationship between Muslim business occupation and zakāt compliance in Jinja municipality, UgandaArticle