Yabo, Faruku Mohammed2017-06-302017-06-302015Yabo,F.M.(2015). Lecturers’ perception and utilization of technology in teaching at Sokoto state university, Nigeria.Thesis (Masters). Islamic University in Uganda.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12309/389ABSTRACT The study analysed the lecturers’ perception and utilization of technology in teaching at Sokoto State University in Nigeria. The study sought to analyze lecturers’ perceived competencies on technology and its utilization in teaching, lecturers’ perceived usefulness of technology and its utilization in teaching, lecturers’ perceived ease of use of technology and its utilization in teaching and relationship between lecturers’ perception and utilization of technology. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional survey design; using questionnaires and a sample of 144 respondents. In verifying the hypotheses, also, the researcher used correlation to find out whether there was a relationship between lecturers’ perceptions and utilization of technology in teaching at Sokoto State University. The results highlighted that there is a relationship between lecturers’ perception and utilization of technology in teaching at Sokoto State University. The findings revealed that majority of the lecturers have the required skills in using technology to support and facilitate learning. The study revealed that there is substantial and positive relationship between lecturers’ perceived competence in technology and its utilization in teaching at Sokoto State university (r(123)=.619,p<.05). Findings of the study with regard to the lecturers’ perceived usefulness of technology reveal that there is moderate positive relationship between lecturer’s perceived usefulness of technology and its utilization in teaching at Sokoto State University (r(123) =.598, p <.0.5). The finding of the study on lecturers perceived ease of use of technology revealed that there is very high positive relationship between lecturers perceived ease of use of technology and its utilization of technology in teaching at Sokoto State University (r(123) = .883, p< .0.5). The study recommended that there is need for the university to continue providing more teaching technologies, related training for lecturers to improve their competence since it contributes to their utilization of technology. Conclusively the university should also provide lecturers with more technologies that will be useful during preparing, delivery and evaluation of teaching process to ensure utilization by lecturers. Lastly there is need for the university administrators to provide technology that are easy to use in order to ensure optimum utilization of technology by lecturers during teaching process.enTechnologyNigeriaTeachingUtilizationLecturers’ perceptionLecturers’ perception and utilization of technology in teaching at Sokoto state university, Nigeria.Thesis