STEPHEN, OGWARA2018-07-132018-07-132017OGWARA STEPHEN(2017)HEAD TEACHERS’ LEADERSHIP STYLE AND TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DOKOLO DISTRICT purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between head teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ performance in selected secondary schools in Dokolo District. The study comprised of three leadership dimensions; these were head teachers’ transactional leadership styles, transformational leadership style, charismatic leadership style and teachers’ performance in selected secondary schools in Dokolo District. Five secondary schools were selected out of a total of 7 government aided schools in Dokolo District. A total of 150 secondary school teachers employed in Dokolo District participated in the study. The “Leadership Style and Teacher’s Performance Questionnaires” were used to gather data. The results indicated that there was a high correlation between head teacher’s transactional leadership style and teachers’ performance as compared to transformational leadership style and charismatic leadership style on teacher’s performance in secondary schools in Dokolo District. The results also show that motivation by encouragement of teachers to work hard predicted effective performance significantly. However results further indicated that Charismatic leadership style had a weak correlation on teachers’ performance as indicated by (r=.373**, p<.01), thus rejecting the null hypothesis. It can therefore be recommended that; there is need for ministry of education and sports to strengthen monitoring and evaluation of teachers to improve on teachers’ performance in secondary schools in Dokolo District. Key Words: transactional leadership style, transformational leadership style, charismatic leadership style, performance, teacher and school head teacherenHEAD TEACHERS PERFORMANCESECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DOKOLO DISTRICTHEAD TEACHERS’ LEADERSHIP STYLE AND TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DOKOLO DISTRICTThesis