Correlates of Outpatient Health Care Services in an Upcountry Referral Hospital in Uganda: Management Revival Strategies

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)


Abstract: The study investigated the correlates of outpatient health care service at Iganga referral hospital using data that was initially collected on resource availability and patient care in the hospital. The objective was to establish the variables that correlate with outpatient health care services offered in the different units and departments of the hospital. The results indicate that the significant correlations of outpatient health care services at the hospital with; (1) child health services (r = .466**, p < 0.0001); (2) maternal health services (r = .420**, p < 0.0001); (3) STI/HIV/AIDS services (r = .304**, p < 0.010); (4) tuberculosis services (r = . 510**, p < 0.0001); (5) equipment, drugs and facilities (r = .422**, p < 0.0001); (6) adequate supervision (r = .459**, p < 0.0001); (7) infrastructure (r = .463**, p < 0.0001); (8) staff training and development (r = .283*, p < 0.017); (9) sanitation facilities (r = .317**, p < 0.007). In addition, the regression results indicate that there is one significant determinant of outpatient health care services which is patient care and attention (β = .426, T = 3.107, P < 0.003). Based on these results, it was recommended that referral hospitals in Uganda should be well managed and funded to offer regular treatment to outpatients and ensure as investigated, that doctors and drugs are readily available to patients who seek services from the hospital. Similarly, it is critical for hospital management to ensure adequate supervision, quality sanitation facilities, enough physical infrastructures and have training and development for significant outpatient health care services.



Outpatient Healthcare services, Maternal health services, Hospitals, Child health care services, Patient Care


Mpaata, K.A; Lubogoyi, B, and Okiria, J.C (2017) Correlates of Outpatient Health Care Services in an Upcountry Referral Hospital in Uganda: Management Revival Strategies International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Vol.6 (4) pp480-484
